Greetings, Planet Earth!

Rani: Hello. I am the Rani.

Master: Hello, boys and girls of Sol III! I am your Lord and Master! The Master!

Rani: Lets not get too exited. we are doing this as punishment.

Master: Come on, Ushas! The Drums are gone! Can’t I have a little fun?

Rani: No. I liked it better when you were huddled in a corner, screaming that the drums were getting louder.

As I was saying,I am the Rani. And That was my- Colleague, The Master. As you might now, we both detest Earth.

Master: And each other! Did you notice that she capitalized the ‘T’ in the word ‘The’ before my name? Exciting! Sorry. New regeneration. Still cooking. Anyway, we two were exiled to Earth as our punishment for our many ‘crimes’ against the Time Lords, Earth, and the Universe in general. Whatever.

Rani: I object to you calling them crimes! I was simply performing scientific experiments on lesser developed species. Theres nothing wrong with that. Anyways, We are being forced to run an advice column/blog thing. so, We circulated our email, and received some questions. here they are:

1: What is the speed of gravity on Gallifrey?

Master: What? This is- How am I supposed to know? What’s the speed of gravity on Earth? Hm? It’s probably a bit more on Gallifrey, since it’s bigger.

Rani: Who cares? is it relevant? no, so why should we tell you?

2: Do you get confused by the three ways to make the ‘f, ph, gh’ sound in the English language?

Master: Yes. Phunnily enouf, I oghten do.

Rani: Theres three ways to make the ‘f’ sound??? how did I miss that? although, the book I’m reading right now makes a lot more sense…

Anyways, that’s all for today, but we do need more questions, so contact us at